This ubiquitous gas sucks the flavour and moisture right out of your beans, rendering them dry and bland—and nobody likes a bland bean.Luckily, "Atmos" is ready to come to the rescue!
This airtight coffee canister features a simple twist mechanism to remove air and prevent oxidation, which means your coffee—or snacks, sweets, and herbs—lasts up to 50% longer.MUCH MORE THAN COFFEEUse this canister to stash peppercorns, loose leaf tea, peanuts, or anything else.GREEN MEANS GOOD TO GOWatch the dot drop to reveal a green ring: the canister is now locked, ready to prevent oxidation and extend the shelf life of your coffee by up to 50%.PRESS TO RELEASEWhen the contents are calling your name, press the easy-release button on top to release the pressure, then dig in!TWIST TO REMOVE AIRUsing "Atmos" is simple: pop on the lid, twist it back and forth, and feel the tension as oxygen gets sucked out of the chamber.